The 7th scouts spent the night of the 30th of October in Faithlegg as part of their Halloween celebrations, find out how they got on here.
Troop log: Halloween camp Tuesday 30th – Wednesday 31st October 2012
Patrol Scribe: Matthew Gaynor,14 years old
We all met up in Faithlegg at 6:30 and took the wood down to the campfire to be burned and after a few games of manhunt and espionage we started the great Pumpkin Carving Competition, which I’m almost certain was won by Philip, Catherine and Orla but really it was all a fix because mine and Luke’s one was way better. After the pumpkin carving we went in to watch a movie, the name of the movie currrently escapes me (Dark Shadows) but there was a fair few beours in it. Eh! After the movie we burned stuff at the campfire and went t0 bed. We all went asleep really early as per usual.
We got up and had breakfast, myself and el floggo had a reasonably interesting chat about Swedish touchdowns from 20,000 feet (the only thing I can clearly remember from the whole camp) We cleaned the den and the surrounding area, built small fires and went home at 12 o clock, a good camp was had by all.