The Promise and Law are a commitment to a code of living. They are what makes us different to youth clubs and help us to map the ethos of our organisation.
The Scout Promise
On my honour I promise that I will do my best,
to do my duty to God,
to serve my community,
to help other people and
to live by the Scout Law.
…OR the following variation
On my honour I promise that I will do my best to further my understanding and acceptance of a Spiritual Reality, to serve my community, to help other people and to live by the Scout Law.
The Scout Law:
a) A Scout is to be trusted.
b) A Scout is loyal.
c) A Scout is helpful and considerate to all.
d) A Scout has courage in all difficulties.
e) A Scout makes good use of time and is
careful of possessions and property.
f) A Scout has respect for self and others.
g) A Scout respects nature and the environment.
The Scout Principles
The principles of Scouting Ireland are enshrined in the Scout Promise and the Scout Law and the include:
Adherence to spiritual principles, loyalty to the faith that expresses them and acceptance of the duties resulting therefrom
Loyalty to one’s community in harmony with the promotion of peace, understanding and co-operation
Responsibility for the development of one’s self
Participation in the development of society with recognition and respect for the dignity of one’s fellow beings and for the integrity of the natural world
Use of a method of progressive self-education, known as the Scout Method, comprising programmes adapted to the various age groups.
The Scout Prayer
Lord, thank you for bringing us
together in Scouting. Be with our
Troop and all its members. Keep us
loyal to our Promise, to each other
and to ourselves; and in everything we
do, help us to put other people first.
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