Seán Cuddihy from the 7th Scouts reports on the successful expedition of the Knockanffrin Ridge completed on the 1st September 2012. Click here to find out more.


We were meant to meet at the den for 9am this morning but due to a delay, we commenced the hike at about 10.30 am. We then proceeded to hike up Shauneenabrega, but unfortunately, one scout started to feel unwell so Adam, Jack and Flog escorted them back to Rathgormack where they were collected. The rest of us continued up Shauneenabreaga.



At around the mid point we stopped and David and Cathal spilled soup and hot chocolate on themselves. After a stimulating conversation about Pokemon, we walked up past the old MMDS hut and waited at the out crop. We were then informed that Adam, Jack and Flog had returned and being the good scouts we are, we continued on for them to catch up. We all gathered at the triangulation point at Knocksheegowna. With not enough time left to finish the planned hike, we decided to hike to the summit of Knockanaffrin. After a period of uphill walking and rock climbing we reached the summit and took in the view.



After this we descended down the mountain which involved a lot of sliding. When we reached the bottom, we walked along the road and back to Flog’s car. We then drove back to the scout den were we got our lifts home.



Click here to view the full set of photos