Project Description

Scouting is the largest youth movement in the world and both Waterford City and the De La Salle Scout Group have a long tradition in Scouting. It is a tradition which has adapted to and embraced the needs and demands of young people today. The Scout section caters for young people of ages 12, 13, 14 and 15, offering a unique blend of activities and experiences with a special emphasis on adventure and the outdoors.

For as long as we have been in existence, humans have had a fascination with mountains. That mindset is not lost on scouts and scouters alike in DLS. The yearly Mountain Pursuit Challenges covering all four provinces of Ireland are received with bated breath and great excitement. The route card (usually) being completed in the back of the car while the Leaders’ choice of tunes are systematically slated by the scouts as the journey on the motorways continues, and the occasional wrong turn on the narrow, winding mountain roads. The car quickly parked, as we set off for a weekend away from the mundanity of fast paced school and work life.

Mountain Pursuit Challenges

The Scout Method is in learning through doing and we believe that participation in Scouting is a worthwhile and enjoyable outlet for all young people. The Group also holds that Scouting should be accessible to young people of all backgrounds and from all parts of the community. Our two Scout Troops have a strong leadership team which is led by Paschal Guilfoyle in the 3rd and Robert Windle in the 7th. As revealed in our blogs, an active and varied programme is continuously maintained.